Tuesday, June 25, 2024

The tapestry of consciousness

 There are around 8 billion people in this world. Each and everyone of us completely unique just like a snowflake is. Yet, we carry the history of humanity and the zeitgeist of the present society within. Every Buddha ever born has made the tapestry richer just as every dictator and military leader has made the manifestation of greed, power-hunger and aggression more pronounced. We are not only encouraged to choose which corner of the global tapestry of consciousness we like to hang out in, we are forced to do so. Unbeknown to many there is an upgrade cycle at work. Higher frequencies are being manifested, often by being forced to take a stance against the lower ones.


J. Krishnamurti once stayed that while he had to find enlightenment like Columbus was discovering America, after his breakthrough and his communication of what to do and what to avoid, crossing over is like taking the airplane. This figure of speech was perhaps a bit misplaced given that is still seems nearly impossible to let go of conditioning and self identification, yet, I do believe that every enlightened soul makes it a little easier for the next to cross over. That’s what the tapestry of consciousness is all about. A beautiful extension that we all have access to is added. On the other hand, when it comes to the dark corner of the tapestry, evil pulls some down but forces others to take a stand against it.


We might conclude that unless we are average and have nothing new to add to the tapestry of consciousness, every engaged soul raises the vibration of consciousness a bit more. What addition are you making to the tapestry of consciousness?



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