Friday, July 26, 2024

Observe the mind at work

 The mind is a device to process the world logically. It helped hunting animals in the olden days, for example by inventing traps that other species were unable to come up with or to avoid. Then came the cultivation of agriculture, building better living arrangements, and devising ways to live and work in a large group. Humanity has come far in terms of technological progress thanks to the evolution of the mind.


The cost of the “fall of man” is that the mind has taken on a life on its own. It created the perception of a doer and experiencer, and assigns stories, ambitions and aversions to the stored memories, pleasures and injuries of the past. Getting our arms around this aspect of our creative mind and loosening its control over us is what spiritual living is all about. How can it be done? Well, just observe the mind at work.

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