Friday, July 12, 2024

SELF-induced creation

 We are powerful creators. We manifest the reality we envision just by believing it is so. The so-called 3D world is a world with interferences. We want “that” but have to deal with the much less pleasant “this” instead. When we are truly sensitive to our feelings and when we really observe what’s going on in our mind and the outside world, we can realize that “this” isn’t external to us at all. It has been created by our fears, by our resistance. The experienced “this” is the opposite of the desired “that”, and we created it.

With awakening we have a foot in both dimensions. The effortless, beautiful world of creation that manifests outside of our imagined self identity. We ride it, but we also return without fail to the old world of conditioning and interference. It becomes a struggle of good and evil for some of us. If “you” believe you are the light-worker bringing love and good into this world then it is so. It’s just that it is a heavy load given that there is a “you” believing this world we live in requires “your” intervention.

The alternative is channel surfing. While we acknowledge that we can be this or that, and not fighting our personal value system, we engage with That instead. We don’t aim to be That. We don’t even look for That. We simply are That. How to connect to That while experiencing this and that, you ask. Perhaps we can turn the inquiry around. We are aware of the moments of S(erenity), E(nergy), L(ove), F(low) and naturally enjoy this dimension when we are Awareness “it-S-E-L-F”.

The alternative 3D dimension is a different vibration, a pain-body that got activated one way or the other. We actively become aware of this interference. With interest in the happening, alert and an equanimous mind, the power of the moment allows us naturally to stay connected and if we temporarily lose sight of the vibration that is ours to enjoy, we have a nice puzzle to solve. Try the game of channel surfing for a while. Sooner or later it becomes effortless to stay connected with the world of S-E-L-F-induced creation.

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