Tuesday, July 23, 2024

The fruit falls when it is ripe

 The ability to observe without evaluating is the highest form of intelligence.

J. Krishnamurti


Awakening is taking a first step into freedom from self, but for many of us, there is still an identification left behind. The self identifies with a bastion that it defends heavily: “I am romantic love” … “I am this body” … “I am a teacher” … “I am a light worker.” Whatever the interference is in the way of making this transition complete, it’s a sudden insight that drops the veil.


Be mindful of every struggle. Will-power on behalf of God doesn’t do the job because the one who tries to do the “right thing” is the same institution that caused the interference to start with. Observation does the job. “The fruit falls when it is ripe,” Nisargadatta Maharaj once said. We step out of the old energy field for good as our vibration changes when the insight sinks in.

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