Wednesday, July 24, 2024

In Oneness opposites cannot exist

 My career kind of took off after 2008. I remember talking in early 2009 to a friend and she told me that according to the Chinese sign of zodiac I should be doing well professionally this year, but I should watch out for “evil tongues” talking behind my back. Both prophesies panned out, but strangely enough these “evil tongues” helped me a lot. I wasn’t very forceful in those days communicating my investment thesis, but to my surprise, when it materialized everyone knew about it. The badmouths claiming I didn’t know what I was talking about strengthened my credibility when the case unfolded. Go figure!


I never really understood it when J. Krishnamurti or A Course in Miracles stated that hate cannot be the opposite of love, whereas the other day it occurred to me that—naturally—in Oneness opposites cannot exist, and these unitive experiences are our natural state. It is the perceived duality of good and evil that are the aberrations from what is. Now the perceived struggle between good and evil in us is the ego making a comeback. Gerald May states in Will and Spirit, “The ego (of which self-definition is a part) senses its conscious demise and does something to get back in control.”


So, when the war of good and evil appears—the call of the two opposing wolves that demand to be fed, as the Native Americans describe it—you can spot first and foremost ego at work. Ask, to whom is that struggle of good and evil occurring? Doing the “right” thing is of course necessary, but in the perception of what’s right, the decision maker can be spotted to be imaginary. Ask, to whom is that struggle of good and evil occurring?

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