Thursday, July 4, 2024

Who am I?

 There is an underlying


S (erenity)

E (nergy)

L (ove)

F (low)


that we always have access to. We only need to have experienced that state that some call “consciousness, existence, bliss”, and we always know if we have it or if we temporarily lost connection. We cannot will ourselves to raise our vibration into this state but we can always inquire into what is holding us back. It’s never the perceived situation that keeps us from it—perceived scarcity, excitement, depression, loneliness, jealousy, greed, fear, etc.— is the illusion that we temporarily have become the doer, the experiencer. A simple question, “who am I?” cuts through this false psychological identity and re-connects us with S-E-L-F. Too simple an approach? Well, try it!



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