Friday, July 5, 2024

Enjoy the power of now

 I post notes on synchronicity and serendipity in here from time to time to alert newcomers to this phenomenon. For many the awakening journey starts with seeing meaningful number sequences like the well-familiar 11:11 symbol. It did for me anyway when it all started. Later that night I saw my wife powering down her work computer. The website she was on had my CMW initials with the slogan, “Clear Your Mind”, and right next to it in hold letters stared the time at me 11:11. I was thinking to myself, what mind-blowing power comes up with this!


There is a “direct path” lineage that goes back to Ramana Maharshi. Mooji is today a well-known proponent and it was Papaji (Poonjaji) before him. The story goes that when Papaji first met Ramana Maharshi he was quite arrogant and felt that he already made it. After all, he had regular visions of Lord Krishna, what else could there be! Ramana said to him, “Oh, you see Krishnaji? Very good!” Then he turned around and asked, do you see him now?  Papaji replied that he didn’t to which Ramana replied what kind of God only appears some time.


These little serendipity boons are an act of Grace, a manifestation of the Oneness we are all embedded in. My father was not much of a believer in spiritual matters, but he had a jogging partner who once asked him, “Don’t you sometimes feel like God put his hand on your shoulder and tells you that you did this job well?” My father had to decline, but that’s how these acts of Grace feel. In that sense they are also not that different from the smile of a loved one that suddenly hits us with great intensity. We live in the world of experience and what lies beyond permeates it for everyone to see.


The saying goes, when a demon come serve him tea just don’t let him stay. The same with Lord Krishna, Mother Mary or serendipity. We gratefully receive Grace, but we don’t get stuck on it. The power of the ensuing now is welcomed in whatever form it presents itself. Why would we cling to anything if the divine connection is always at our fingertips! Lastly, I wouldn’t have posted this given that I recently already shared a couple of 11:11 posts in this community, but then, after writing it I did yard work and as I went back in the house 11:11 stared in my face. Maybe someone benefits from it.

The difference between enlightenment and awakening is pretty straight-forward. With awakening we are connected to the power of now just like everyone, but the matrix of conditioning swallows us up now and then. Whereas in enlightenment—if it exists—this connection is always present.


Enjoy the power of now!




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