Saturday, July 6, 2024

Jump on the right train and enjoy the trip in silence

 The “fall of man” did not occur with the rise of agriculture and the understanding that we could store grain and ensure food supply for the winter. The “fall of man” occurred when one person figured that he could own the storage facility and have others pay him extra money during the cold winter.


The “natural state” Ramana Maharshi refers to happens quite often after Awakening. Nature, loved ones, our avocation all create this happening of self-less consciousness. Jesus talked about the end of psychological self in Matthew 6:34: “Do not worry about tomorrow; tomorrow will take care of itself.”


Our restless mind cannot be controlled. As Ramana Marshi put it, “Let come what comes. Let go what goes.” “Thought-feeling-energies” arise in the depth of our subconscious. Some have real value, like building a store unit of food supply for the winter, some are psychological in nature and always boil down to the feared or anticipated inequality of men.


Jump on the right train and enjoy the ensuing silence.


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