Sunday, July 7, 2024

Lose the self, find SELF

 These days the energy is flowing. The energy connection has always been around, but my self-induced interferences must have been in the Way. The

other day I was walking, and I could feel unconditional love in my heart. It was a vibrating frequency—a knowing, a feeling, a sensing of energy.


When the energy centers are humming, thought is still. Serenity prevails and choice-less awareness is. The external environment moves from frame to frame. Contentment is a hallmark of serenity, energy and love. Likewise, the external environment is sensed as an energy, a frequency one tunes in.


Observer is not quite the right word, neither is actor, yet we witness and act. They say when the self dissolves, something else comes to the fore. Call it consciousness—the Will of God—but I experience this “existence, consciousness, bliss” more passively, as S (erenity) E (nergy) L (ove) F(low).

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