Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Enjoy the light, and never mind enlightenment

 I had a surreal experience the other day. I talked to a friend who told me that almost everyone gets enlightenment wrong. “It’s not the occasional satori moment,” he said, “it’s a permanent death of this self we all identify with.”


I had no problem with his definition, but I had also nothing to add given that I hardly qualify for that exclusive club. Then next day I participated in a spiritual group where the moderator asked if it was easy or hard to reach that “ultimate experience”, and mostly everyone agreed it was easy.


Strange! Actually, I didn’t have any problems with the second definition of “the ultimate experience” either. They just understood it as the ability to get the self out of the Way, and felt they had all discovered hacks that allows them to be connected to that plane of consciousness. That’s nice!


I resonate with both views. From my friend with the more stringent enlightenment definition, I take the insight that there are always learning opportunities, always areas of our unconscious that beg to be brought to the surface and assimilated. What’s wrong if we keep learning?


But then, we are here to enjoy the ride. These magical moments when our self identity is wowed into submission by the awesomeness of daily life abound, and we can live a life with this mindset of abundance. Let’s share the hacks of how we manage to show up to claim the magic of the moment.


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