Sunday, August 25, 2024

Taking the short-cut to enlightenment

 I had an interesting back and forth on spirituality. The other day I had a chat with a friend who argued that the word “enlightenment” is misused, and that only a very small number of people get to that stage, and that we have to expect a journey of trials and tribulations up this point, for it is the unconscious in us that sends us the message that we are not quite there yet.


The next day another friend asked the participants of a spiritual discussion group I am part of if reaching the “ultimate experience” is easy or hard, and everyone else agreed, it’s easy! I abstained from answering as I was puzzled by the stark contrast of views. It all boils down to the definition of enlightenment, doesn’t it? Realizing the oneness without self-interference is not hard.


It’s a fascinating difference of views and experiences. I am reminded of a statement J. Krishnamurti made when he said that after his insight, and his outline of what it takes to spot the self interference with the world we live in, it does get easier for the next generation of spiritual seekers. He said, Columbus had to sail to America, whereas we can take the plane.


I actually resonate with both views, hard as it is to imagine. When life throws a wrench into the works we need to own it. The unconscious sends us messages and it is part of the spiritual work to get the stuff up to the surface, but then, in these unifying moments of oneness, the energy of the moment speaks and there is nothing to do other than to enjoy the ride.


Maybe we live in a world where we manifest what we believe. If you believe that a spiritual quest is a seemingly ever-lasting journey up the mountain of consciousness, that’s what you get, and if you believe it takes a little tweak to connect with that birthright you always owned, then that’s what you shall find. Which camp are you in? Are you taking the plane?

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