Saturday, August 17, 2024

The boring billion

 There was a time period on planet earth when nothing really happened. It was before trees and vegetation, before life as we know it right now. God has patience. We live today because this planet—out of billions of other planets—was given the time to make the conditions for living here right.


Likewise, there is a time in the spiritual quest when the agenda drops—the social and individual drives and cravings that have been in the making for eons—are recognized as being empty, but the pain body still exists as an entity without the ability to project or escape. So, we just sit there!


Awakening is rewiring. New energy paths are being created. Neural networks are being rebooted. So just sit there and allow the letting go process to unfold without adding anything or taking away from it. If this doesn’t sound very exciting, well, if God has patience, so can we.


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