Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Acting Awareness

 The world phenomena simply pass by the Jnani,

leaving him/her unaffected.

Ramana Maharshi


The notion of witnessing consciousness is that I am the one observing thoughts, emotions and the (interdependent) workings of the world. Most spiritual teachers say that we can learn sitting in the background so to speak calling the shots. They say in that moment of learned reflection and silence, we can respond to a situation, not merely be an automatic response to the conditioning of the self.


This notion of the silent observer is a step up from the old stoic model where the superior intellect was trained to override feelings and emotions, for those who were wired to act on their willpower. It’s a step up because in this model thoughts and emotions are equally respected, and even the intellect is understood as a bundle of moral instructions. In the moment of choice, one is open to the message of life as is.


Yet, it’s still not the complete thing. The assumption that there is a witnessing consciousness is still a spiritual super ego, for when the power of now acts, S (ilence) E (nergy) L (ove) F (low) speak for themselves. There is no entity to speak of in charge that makes a choice. Jnanis are recognized by their lightness of presence and by the easy they travel through the world of phenomena.


They are acting awareness and the world flows by.



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