Tuesday, October 1, 2024

Spotting the impostor

 There is an inner entity that is perceiving itself different from others and as separated from the world. It was once upon a time self-appointed and has since only strengthened its identity. When it does something that—due to the perceived attractiveness or aversion—steps on other people’s toes, it tells us afterwards that we shouldn’t have done that. Or if we are so blinded by our perceived separation that we do not hear this note of reason, it beats us up subconsciously by self-sabotaging what we do or by falling ill.


To ask who is connected with Oneness may not even be the right question. This connection is always there. It’s rather about the ability to spot the inner interference—the impostor—at work and finding ways not to act on it and letting it slip into oblivion. There is an inner silence—a frequency—that we can always tune into. The impostor cannot exist there. We all have obviously different ways of tuning into this frequency, like prayer, mindfulness, meditation, or spending time in nature.


I was traveling in Germany and visited 3 medieval churches in Erfurt where Martin Luther and Meister Eckhart were living at that time. I managed effortlessly to fall into deep silence, so I know from personal experience that many roads lead Home, the religious just as the spiritual one. Wherever the path you choose, learn to merge with S (ilence), E (nergy), L (ove), F (low) here and now. SELF is always nearby where the imagined self is not. In the here and now there are no regrets and second guesses, only contentment.


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