Wednesday, October 2, 2024

See the world and your role in it as is

 The “desire to end the desire” is the problem statement. If I look at the impressive guru and say that I would like to have what he has, self is in charge and S (erenity) E (nergy) L (ove) F (low) is hard to come by. But then, if I look around and see that the greed, lust, fear and envy are ruling me and

start looking for another way, that’s when the Way is likely to show up.


We have to acknowledge and embrace this and that before That makes Itself know. See the world and your role in it as is, and that’s when the veil of separation starts to lift. There is nothing wrong with the “desire to end desire” and we can claim our birthright to be part of Oneness right here and now, but we have to be willing to look at the games we have played with ourselves for way too long.

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