Sunday, October 13, 2024

The story of the ten foolish men

 Ramana Maharshi shared this story, ten men crossed a river and afterwards wanted to make sure that they had all safely arrived. So, one started counting but forgot to count himself. Someone else double-checked but made the same mistake. They all started to cry since obviously one comrade must have drowned while crossing. A passerby saw what was going on and tapped everyone on the shoulder. He counted ten and they all realized the mistake they made and rejoiced over the comrade they never lost.


With awakening comes the “I am that I am” state. We all experienced it, if only in slightly different form. How can it be that we cannot see it when the daily interferences kick in? Isn’t the desire to be rid of these interferences the interference itself? What can separate us from the ordinary folks who have yet to embark on the “quest without a distance” is that we can have the peace of mind that “I am that I am” is but a step away; not even. Just like a scientist knows the outcome but hasn’t yet found the proof.

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