Sunday, November 17, 2024

Hack the man-made matrix

 Spiritual teachers—especially in the tradition of Vedanta and non-duality—assert that we are already free. Our self identification is an illusion, a thought that was given to us by our parents, society and forefathers, while we strengthened it over the years with our experiences, memories and thoughts building a wall of “proof” around this concept of individuality.


The teachers are not wrong. Everyone can experience those moments of Oneness when signs of synchronicity and moments of serendipity show us the web of Oneness that covers us all, and when insights and love overcome this illusion of separation. Alas, these occasions are glimpses for most of us, and so we toggle in-between these modes of separation and oneness.


It appears some have permantly broken through this web of Oneness. The old experiences of having an individual self may reassert themselves, but these masters look though them and manage to stay in that dimension of serenity, love and compassion no matter the circumstances. If you have the chance to work with them, enjoy the high vibration field they emit.


The question is how to get the rest of us into that field of serenity, love and compassion even though we still carry the conditioning of the past and society. That’s’s the mental mistake! There is no separation between us and the master. Everyone is embedded in the web of Oneness—there is no individual looking down benignly on the newcomer. So what to do?


If the master appears in “your” field of experience just as the unfriendly neighbor who reminds “you” that some folks are better loved from the far, then both are a projection of “your” assumed reality. Be one with that tension until the hack in the man-made matrix appears once again. It’s not a projection of serenity, love, compassion—it’s a rediscovery of truth.


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