Sunday, March 9, 2025

Letting go is inevitable

 Like a runaway southbound train,

like an Arizona desert rain,

like a lightening in the sky,

like fireworks in July.

Like a left field home run ball,

like a whiskey shot at last call.

She was meant for moving on,

that girl is going, going, gone!

(Luke Combs, Going, going, gone)


Like a river marches forcefully towards the ocean, Consciousness advances relentlessly to break free from the limiting self identification. Body, mind and world are not independent from each other but beget each other in Oneness. Whether we live in conditioned illusion of self or in pure and truthful perception of what is, continues to be our choice!


The illusionary viewpoint of separation is temporary. Letting go is inevitable. Understand this and every moment—whether our conditioned mind hates or applauds it—is a jumping board towards manifesting that Oneness. View consciousness as the carefree and wild gypsy girl that is on her way, and the illusionary separation the self perceives dissolves as well.



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