We are programmed just as a computer is. Thought has used a part of the brain to tell us that we are the body-mind complex and that it is separate from the rest of the world, and that we need to follow what it deems advantageous for us and stay away from the things that we think do not serve us well.
When Eckhart Tolle says, “you are the one listening to your thoughts,” then even that can be misleading. This computer program is smart and adaptable. It can even pretend to be the spiritual observer, telling us which thoughts and feelings are worth our while, and which we have to stay away from.
True breakthroughs happen when we are alert, curious, and have an equanimous mindset. “Oh, never knew that I am that greedy. What’s up with that?” Or, “I spent my whole life caring about other people’s opinion, let’s see what happens when I follow my own intuition this time.”
We have that autonomy to consider a new frame of viewing ourselves and our interaction with this world. Have you encountered these mind-blowing synchronicities and serendipitous events that happen all the time? If you did, didn’t it change your attitude that you no longer took this world as random?
Spend every day 20 minutes when you just close your eyes and be open to whatever bubbles to the surface. No agenda, just sitting there listening to the thoughts and the feelings that arise. Get to the operating system of the “me” programming with alertness, curiosity and equanimity. What happens?
Play the ACE in order to enjoy the Power of Now—Alertness, curiosity and equanimity!
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