Saturday, July 17, 2010

Size Matters After All?

You know this discussion, the majority of women do not really care that much about the size of a guy's penis, but then some do, and as far as they are concerned, every additional inch counts; and to those men who do care about the subject - I suspect the majority does - this target group in mind is enough to drive them crazy.

When I was in college I had a discussion with friends on the penis size subject and remember having been incredibly indifferent at that time. I also remember a dinner meeting early in my career when some older male colleagues discussed the benefits of penis enlargement. All I could think to myself was 'are they nuts'?

You might have guessed it. Now that I am in my forties, the subject has grown in importance to me as well. I feel like the aging businessman with little hair sitting in a red sports car cabriolet - a stereotype for everyone else, but he doesn't see it that way. Perhaps for good reasons, his attractive girlfriend might only have her eyes on his money and power and that's all that matters for both of them.

I often write about our personality or ego as a garment that at one point you can just strive off as you wander along your spiritual path. This discussion points more to additional layers of psychological baggage that you accumulate as life goes on. It seems that your ego picks its symbol of power and then zooms into it as life goes on and your frustrations grow. Well, you can buy your BMW and get your penis enlargement, but the most important task of the spiritual path traveler remains the same - keep chipping away until all excess baggage and all artificial clothes are removed. And when you look at yourself, all bodily and psychological proportions are just perfect at that stage.

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