Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Appreciate the Spiritual Journey

I have a friend who is Zen. She wonders right now whether to quit her job or not in order to live a more peaceful life and get more in touch with her beautiful spiritual nature. This may be the perfect choice for her, but it certainly wouldn't work for me. I am the opposite. I certainly have my Zen moments and my spiritual insights that I enjoy sharing with you, but I only get them along the way towards my spiritual core. A fire is burning inside of me and if it wasn't for my demanding job as an investment strategist, the challenges of raising two young boys, my physical sport outlets and my hobby as a spiritual writer, this energy would likely become restless pretty fast.

It would be nice to be enlightened, wouldn't it? You probably have read books like I have of those who seemed to gave reached that stage. You can feel the peace and you can appreciate the wisdom and while you certainly feel connected when you hear their message, you unfortunately soon discover that nothing really has changed in your real life. You return to the same restlessness, the same irritations and the struggles. Try to find the solutions to your problems in your real life instead. Square the circle, it is possible. For every challenge there is a creative outlet that defines you.  Arjun found Lord Krishna and peace on the battle field in the Bhagavad Gita; you can do the same. Appreciate your spiritual journey, it is as simple as that.

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