Tuesday, May 13, 2014

He Who is Alike in Pleasure and Pain

Physical sensations-cold and heat, pleasure and pain-are transient: they come and go, so bear them patiently, Arjuna.
(Lord Krishna, Bhagavad Gita)

As Tao travelers we are as exposed to the yin and yang of life just like everyone else. Take pleasure and pain for example, we are programmed to run after pleasure and and try our best to avoid the pain. Yet, walking the Path, you are encouraged to welcome all aspects of life, not just the good stuff. If you are completely open to life you will find that even on a bad day there is always a present that comes attached with the bad stuff. When you are willing to experience everything, even when it is painful, there is always a moment when the bitter becomes sweet. The meaning of the Gita is not to become insensitive to life - it is in fact the opposite. When you run towards life, when you melt in the holy Now, pleasure and pain transcend into something entirely different. As Lord Krishna told Arjun, "he who is alike in pleasure and pain, is dear to Me."

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