Tuesday, May 6, 2014


When you are really attentive, when you really listen listen to someone or simply observe something, you can notice how you become silent. At that moment, you reconnect with your essence, silence. If you can practice this feat of zoning into your environment daily you can experience what meditation is. You become receptive, sensitive, focused and silent. Observe how you can become quiet right in the midst of an active world.

When you really become one with your environment each sound obtains a new quality. Noises no longer seem annoying, to the contrary, they seem harmonious instead: the tick-took sound of a clock, the shhhhoooosh of an airplane, the hon-hon sound of the old refrigerator, all participate in a well-conducted play.

You can step into a magical world whenever you like, just react to the world that presents itself to you moment by moment. Step outside of busyness and practice creative silence instead.

By Su Zhen

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