Saturday, June 21, 2014


She always gets anxious when the time is getting close to mid-night.  Just like Cinderella had to worry about her magic disappearing at the strike of the hour 12pm, she is afraid something bad is going to happen to her.  With this attention and fear, it is no wonder that she cannot really devote herself to any project that is assigned to her.  She always tends to just drop them when the time is getting late regardless of how urgent it is.  It is almost like she is hypnotized. Her solution, she goes straight to bed after 9pm.

 This habit can be inconvenient at times. When tough deadlines come her way and she is forced to work late, she just can't deliver. She ends up missing deadlines; people think she can be irresponsible or absent-minded.  So it seems that there is something wrong with her.  However, she has no idea about it.  She thinks it is almost the most natural thing to do to go to bed when time is getting late.

 One night, when the time passed 9, she clearly heard her mother telling her to go to bed. She used to study late to cope with her stressful homework and tests.  Her mother always nagged her for staying late every night after the time passed 9.  Her mother said that she was going to ruin her health if she stayed up. She always felt agitated then and refused to follow her advice. Apparently she was not successful. She took all her advice in subconsciously.

Isn't amazing that commands like that of a concerned mother can burn themselves deep into your subconscious. It takes a while to uncover them, but eventually you will stumble on these revelations. More than that, with conscious effort, and sometimes, with targeted counter-self-hypnosis, you can very much overwrite these programs.  Magically, for our woman in question, she was able to peacefully finish a project until mid-night after her insight.

By Su Zhen

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