Monday, May 25, 2015

Leadership as Art

Leadership as Art

Check out this video link. Ben Zander, conductor of the Boston Philharmonic Orchestra outlines his notion of empowerment, leadership and connectivity.

This theme resonates. In fact, one day the company I work for met with musicians to compare notes and to demonstrate that we are in a similar network of creative people where everyone and everything depends on the performance of the friend next to you. An interwoven net of creative, inspired and hard-working people.

In a way, I have made this form of leadership my mission at work. I focus on the big picture as a global strategist, yet, I am surrounded with experts who are their best at what they are doing, and all I really have to do is to put their pieces together in one harmonious masterpiece. My recommendation to you, find this network of creative artists who empower each other, and be part of it.

Benjamin Zander is in a position of power as a conductor, so it is easy for him to reach down to lift others up. What few know though, everybody can be in this position; in fact, every spiritual traveler is. I remember once seeing an image at the Spiritual Networks community which showed ME in giant letters, but beneath it you could see as a mirror image, WE. Spirituality is a way of perceiving a beautiful world that some are somehow unable to see. Specialize in jobs where you depend on others and see that beautiful network effect in operation. Being spiritual is really like being an artist. Have an eye for the WE in every situation and your happiness and career will thank you for it. 

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