Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Open Like a Child

Alone I can 'Say' but 
together we can 'Talk'.
'Alone I can 'Enjoy' but
together we can 'Celebrate'.
'Alone I can 'Smile' but
together we can 'Laugh'.
That's the BEAUTY of
Human Relations:
we are nothing without
each other.
(Quote from the Spiritual Networks)

An American friend who speaks German quite well mentioned to me that some of his German friends were visiting, and even though they speak English just fine, they tended to be shy to speak it in fear they could make a mistake.

Yes, I remember the attitude of some Europeans to use language as the means to express command and power rather than using it as a simple form of communication. But then, if you truly want to learn a language you have to throw this attitude over board and be open to the other person just as a child would; ready to embrace, to learn and most certainly, to be vulnerable.

Jesus' insight comes to mind: He called a little child to him, and placed the child among them. And He said, "Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the Kingdom of Heaven". Therefore, whoever takes the lowly position of this child is the greatest in the Kingdom of Heaven"

There is Spirit at our side, always and everywhere. She can be accessed in stillness and we can experience Her standing between you and me. But we have to be open and vulnerable to experience Her; we have to be willing to drop our guard and free ourselves of these heavy armors. 

Open up to life just like a child would and be instantaneously happy and blessed.

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