Tuesday, September 26, 2017

The Different Faces of Spirituality

The universe 
is not punishing you.
It is not blessing you.
It is not controlling you.

The universe responds to the vibration you are creating. Think happy and happiness will come to you. Think negatively and negativity will come to you. What we put out into the universe, we will get back like an echo.

The Law of Attraction is a law of physics. It implies that all our stumbling blocks are essentially self imposed. For the scientist among us, we can try to manifest bliss and happiness and see what comes of it. For us spiritual travelers, however, we can do perhaps even better by just letting go of the steering wheel altogether and let a higher POWER do HER thing. 

There is the WAY of the Christ - the time when we realize that our struggling brother needs a lift. Magically, as we extend our hand, both of us get healed in the process.

There is a time when Lord Krishna is speaking to us on the battle field called life. Tough choices are necessary to see our mission through, but once we have the divine blessing, all parties find themselves better off afterwards.

There is a time when the Spirit is talking through synchronicity, nature or animals. For example, the time when the crow alerts us to trouble, and just as we reach the safety of our car, we see some guys approaching who are are up to no good.

GOD opens the door to HIS KINGDOM moment by moment. It is as if a WORLD exists next to the known matrix that combines the karmas, attitudes, reaction and counter-reaction of all the parties involved. Join us and step out of this matrix and become part of GOD's KINGDOM instead. The Law of Attraction loses its appeal when bliss and love are with us every step of the WAY.

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