Sunday, November 19, 2017

Weathering the Storm

I didn’t know what a ‘Dark Night of the Soul’ moment was when my spiritual path opened up, even though I had in fact lived through numerous ones. The nights when I would get drunk, when I engaged in online sex chats, or simply watch porn. I thought then that I was just letting go of some steam; that I was somehow entitled to a little fun in my stressful life.

When my spiritual path opened up all this had to stop, and it mostly did, but it also was the time when I became aware of how finely tuned these occasional trips to the dark side were with the lunar cycles, with some astrological predictions of major spiritual turning points. Not that I had the power then to withstand the cosmic pull in the extreme, but at least I realized that the science of astrology was onto something.

My demon is about suppressed masculinity; everyone has a different one. There is no telling what the Dark Night of the Soul episode is about for each of us individually, but the trade-off is the same. Sit tight, let the pain of the past come to the surface with whatever force it will, you just sit tight and do nothing about it, the next day another ego layer will have been stripped away and you will be changed forever for it. 

Dark Night of the Soul moments hold massive transformative power, use them!

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