Friday, May 25, 2018

Life keeps us humble and sane

A mistake that makes us humble is better than an achievement that makes us arrogant.

Some say in our community that a spiritual journey is all about the Flow, and that all struggles are therefore self-imposed. After all, we are supposed to go with the Flow, aren’t we? Since we are supposed to be happy in the here and now, we may just not be enlightened enough if we end up struggling.

Maybe, but is our journey really free of struggle? Aren’t we just repeating what the best-selling authors sell to us? Isn’t it true that the longing for the synchronicity and an effortless and joyful existence, is also the ego talking? Maybe beneath the surface we want an effortless existence to be powerful and a cut above the rest!

I always say, enjoy floating downstream when you are synced up with life, and do your best moving upstream when parts of your self need to be let go off. Good for Joshua that he was able to walk on water, I am happy to swim if I have to cross the waters. Life keeps me humble and sane that way. Let’s move ahead in life, swimming or floating.

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