Saturday, June 23, 2018

Authenticity before Enlightenment

 "It is better to live your own destiny imperfectly than to live an imitation of somebody else's life with perfection.” (Bhagavad Gita)

You hear the stories of preachers who have mistresses and tell their congregation on Sundays to stay away from the seven deadly sins. You hear the stories about the gurus who write holy books about the spiritual benefits of celibacy, only to find them years later in bed with their female followers.

Don’t go down that path. It might be that your mind strives to be holy.  Do no aspire to be someone you are not. That’s not GOD’s Plan at all. The ego craves to help others (and get recognized for it). If you find ongoing resistance on the path you have chosen you might try too hard, or may have decided to live a life that isn’t yours to live.

Authenticity means that you embrace who you are; that you understand what drives and repels you. Don’t walk the path of betterment and improving; travel the journey that allows you to let go of everything that you are not. Enlightenment is being as is; when you are authentic, everything comes naturally to you, even Awakening.

Authenticity comes before enlightenment! If you feel like swearing, do so without offending anyone. If you feel called to spread the love physically, go ahead, yet don’t forget to give true love a chance as well. No one forces you to be a light-worker or sign up for an enlightenment journey. Be authentic and see where the journey takes you.

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