Saturday, June 23, 2018

The Day the Sky Opened Up

I was on my way to the park for my morning jogging exercise when I noticed a car parked next to me with a rather curious license plate combination. In addition to the month and year of registration, the numbers ended up reading 777 JC 444. In numerology this would result in 33 JC.

I remember once many years ago in a spiritual community asking for the numerical significance of 33, and someone responded that is Jesus Christ’s number. She didn’t elaborate. Later I learned that Jesus was 33 when he died—it is a historic fact that there was the blood moon on April 4, 33, as described in the Bible during his crucification.

More symbolically, it is also a fact that there are 33 vertebra along our spine. This is the distance that the energy has to travel from our root chakra to our crown chakra. The symbol of the Christ is enlightenment and transcendence, implying that Jesus was one of the few enlightened Souls who left his lower self behind and manifested his Self.

All these thoughts were running through my head as I wanted to post a little note on this subject. I was on my way to lunch when I bumped into yet another license plate 33 JC, again simplified by numerology. What were the odds? As it turned out, on this day the spiritual messages from the Course of Miracles FB community were overwhelming.

It was the day of summer solstice, 6/21/2018. Did we open some energy gateway on this day? Was it the day of the Second Coming that some predict? Time will tell, but I can honestly tell that I, and some of the spiritual friends I hang out with, where overwhelmed by the energy and the light that was streaming in.

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