Friday, July 27, 2018

Join our Network of Light-workers (New)

Join our network of light-workers

Without being in constant exchange with the rest of the cosmos you cannot exist. The idea of individuality is an illusion.

A former colleague of mine emigrated from the Czech Republic, the country that was still the best positioned in a group of otherwise miserably performing communistic countries. Advanced as it was at the time, the Czech Republic suffered from the same malaise every communist regime experienced; there was a chronic shortage of goods and services. Depressing as this may sound, she remembers her time growing up as a time of flourishing connections. Yes, officially, there was not that much to buy or to trade, but off the grid a lot happened. The philharmonic musician gave piano and violin lessons; the plumber worked overtime at nights and on weekends; the butcher put the juiciest steak beneath the counter for the upcoming wedding of a good friend, and so forth. People knew and trusted each other, and they all helped each other out. Maybe this pragmatic communistic barter system has an important message for us light-workers. Our friends who do God’s work are everywhere, often not recognized and appreciated enough by modern day society. We can span a global net of connections, supporting and guiding each other. We trade karmic blessings just like the Czech underground society traded goods and services.

I embarked on my Awakening journey a decade ago, and initially had some impressive spiritual break-throughs. As the years progressed, however, the resistance in me started growing. Not sure where it was coming from, I kept going as best as I could. Then the strangest thing happened. Out of the blue, a healer in one of the spiritual communities I was in at that time connected with me and we hit it off. Even though we were separated by a time-zone 12 hours apart, she helped me remove the many blinders that I was still wearing. Now years later, I mentor and coach people who are embarking on their Awakening journey. Reflecting on these spiritual connections, I am reminded of the underground barter system of the old communist Czechoslovakia. We spiritual travelers operate off the established grid. We are trading karmic services even though no, or very little, money is changing hands. We lift each other up and inspire each other.

I am a member of several spiritual communities and interact with other spiritual Meisters. Many of us friends have spent years together. We trust and help each other as best as we can.  I cannot help but wonder whether this spiritual network is the Awakening that Eckhart Tolle had in mind when he wrote his bestseller, ‘A New Earth’. As a PhD economist with a passion for spirituality I understand both worlds and have a foot in each one; the quantifiable world of goods and services that you end up finding in our statistics, and the spiritual world that is arguably a bit more important though much harder to capture. It has become pretty obvious in recent years that the modern economies and societies are under severe strains. People search for happiness and seek meaning in what they do. From an environment and resource allocation perspective, it is also apparent that we need a new economic model in order to enjoy our beautiful blue planet for the future. Perhaps needless to say, we light-workers can help everyone and everywhere.

I have highlighted repeatedly in this book that the modern day alienation caused by economic necessities or materialistic aspirations is pretty senseless. It is the promise of our Creator that there is always a way to combine our passions and talents with a spiritual purpose. Ask how, and a spiritual path will appear in front of you and show you how it can be done. Off the established grid too, I would encourage you to join our network of light-workers to get inspiration and help others with your talents. There is clearly change in the air. Technology allows us to reach the remotest corner in the world at lightening speed. A network of spiritual travelers spanning the globe gives the global Ascension process a much needed boost. The mathematics of a network of connections is mind-boggling. Say, if I have 100 trusted spiritual friends, all spiritual Meisters in their own right, and we combine this network with you and your trusted 100 connections, the power of the resulting network gets huge, pretty fast.

Let’s connect with each other and let’s use our collective powers to lift each other up and inspire others in the process. I welcome you to the network of spiritual Meisters. May your Path be blessed 🙏

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