Saturday, January 19, 2019

Ego—Stuck in the Mud

You need not push life about. Just flow with it and give yourself completely to the task of the present moment, which is the dying now to the now. For living is dying. Without death life cannot be.
(Nisargadatta Maharaj)

Dying is not fun! That’s perhaps why we spiritual folks have so many near-death moments. It is only then when we truly open up to change. Yet, spirituality is not crucification either. Spirituality is life and death. An seemingly endless series of now we engage with. Spirituality is life, love, anger, highs, lows, birth and death. Yet, if we have to bear the not so pleasant stuff anyway, why not to run with the good stuff as well? I will never forget the rush I felt when someone distributed a note claiming that expressing our ego is life itself. Do you remember how you felt when your loved one looked at you with dreamy eyes? Do you remember the last time when you had spicy and steamy sex? Do you remember the rush as well; as peace of mind when you had a professional career advance?

Spiritual Awakening is a roller-coaster ride. Exuberance and depression, life and death, hatred and love. They all go hand in hand. The balance of life is not to shy away from these extremes, the balance of life is not to get carried away by them. Again and again we die to the old and open up to the new. All these occurrences are the sandpaper that depletes the ego’s skin. Be open to all chapters and all outcomes. Experience life as is, not as you wish it to be. Searching for an analogy I was reminded of the winter days when the car gets stuck in the mud. You probably know the technique, you rock forward and backwards, back and forth, until you are finally on solid ground again. That’s how we rid ourselves of the ego, life, death, exuberance and depression, always dying to the next now.

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