Sunday, March 10, 2024

The ocean of Oneness

 Modern (wo)man has the feeling and implicit knowledge that there is a center with which we perceive, know, and interact with the rest of the world. This understanding of self and identification with an illusionary entity is the spiritual troublemaker. Interestingly, science accept this view. There have been countless studies that this psychological entity we call self is entirely made up.


Spirituality has a simple answer to the problem statement, there is an essence that we can connect with. We can see, sense and on some level even intellectually understand this presence outside of us in what modern wo(man) would call mystical experiences, and we have access to this essence within. The word entity needs to be replaced with energy—a higher dimension of being.


No word can describe this energy, and no-one can get their arms around it in its entirety, but we can swim in the ocean of Oneness so to speak. As the Course in Miracle puts it, it is possible to hear only this Voice. The heart is connected with these energies, the third eye can see the mystery and the crown chakra receives downloads from the higher dimension of consciousness.


S (erenity), E (nergy), L (ove), F (low) are signposts of swimming in this ocean of Oneness, and all we have to do is to get our self out of the Way. I started out my spiritual mission after my Awakening with the premise that no religion is required to connect with this essence of being and I continue to feel that on the inside self-awareness does the trick and, on the outside, having an antenna for the mystical. 


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