Thursday, April 11, 2024

Spiritual Roundtable write-up—Minding the Mind

 Suzanne: There is a life driven by mind which is full of conflict and a life led by the soul. In the past we wanted to solve our problems with the help of the mind but it only got us into loops. Conflicts are of the mind. Heaven on earth is connecting with our soul and we can step out of these conflicts instantaneously. Our frequency will change. What we attract will change. What we do will become joyful.


When you experience negative emotions such as anger, express it in a safe way. Let the energy flow. Soon you will feel sad, perhaps you will cry. Eventually love, peace and joy await once that energy has run its course. There is a space that gives us the freedom not to react, let’s find it. In that space we understand the other person who made us angry as well.


Allow yourself to feel what you once rejected as negative. Allow the energy to flow.


Michael Tomanio: I have experienced incredible synchronicity recently and discovered the power of relaxation. Watch the heart, especially if it seems to tighten up or become closed. Do not worry so much about what other people think, don’t take stuff personally and remain in the center of the storm. I am sending love to people, but also take better care of my own energy.


Christian Wiese: I have become better about spotting my agenda. That’s something I was good at when I was still active in the financial industry. I always wanted to grasp my own motivation not to be blind sighted by my own biases. Likewise, I have become very sensitive to the “sponsoring thought”, the underlying belief behind what I think, feel, talk about or do. Sometimes I catch myself as I, for example, feel jealousy. Suddenly a feeling of “I am not good enough” rises to the surface just as the jealousy sentiment hits. Everything stops in the track at that point because you realize how fake the emotion is. I don’t even believe my underlying belief so to speak. At that moment you have broken free, and you stop the train of thoughts in its tracks.


Suzanne Yang: We are angry, we are jealous, etc., because we have a story in our mind. Catch that story and you unmask the illusion created by your mind. Once we start observing our mind, the mind loses the influence over us. When you have an emotion, you have an associated thought related to it.


M. A. Sullivan: To heal it, you have to feel it!


Charith: Don’t repress, express!


Paul Porter: Be mindful of negative thinking and zoom into the solution rather than the problem. Paul recommended the Golden Key by Emma Fox which was written in the 1930 as a source to check out.


Christian Wiese: notice when the “system” is closing down and when it is opening up. Energy tightens with the fears of the mind, and it becomes abundant when we step out of the conditioned mind.


A small group of friends meets monthly on Zoom to share spiritual insights. Please let us know if you like to be added to the distribution list.  

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