Friday, April 5, 2024

The clarity of perception

 Even if we are not after God and higher self, how can anyone accept to be defined by the biological fancies of the brain and the memories of the past. We are no biological robots that are steered through life based on triggers and urges that are outside of our conscious control. Dependent on whether we drink coffee, alcohol, experience stress, or have undigested pain bodies stored in the depth of our being, we react predictably different than when we are free of these distortions. How can anyone accept these biases and distortions and pretend they are just as life is supposed to be?


When psychology was born in the late 19th century there was a quest to become modern, rational human beings who would get their arms around the subconscious. We are not wired for that. Our conscious control will always be just a fraction of what is out there. What we can do, however, is become a vessel for an intelligence that flows through us outside of memories and personal experiences. This state requires a still and open mind, an open heart and an eye for life as is. The scientist will not accept the accessible higher dimension of being but should agree to the necessity of having a still mind.


What do you do to achieve that clarity of perception?

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