Thursday, April 4, 2024

What’s the sponsoring thought?

 Buddha allegedly once said, do the right things and avoid the bad stuff. That’s of course right, but how to get there? What exactly is “good” and what is “bad”? Who is the judge of what right action should be? Maybe we should be more concerned with seeing the Oneness in life rather than losing sleep over righteousness.


My breakthrough came when I started reflecting on the sponsoring thought behind everything. When a thought-feeling energy pops up it’s small compared to ruminating it. Likewise, a train of thought’s energy is small compared to expressing it, and that energy is small compared to putting it into action.


Once we start a war of good and evil, we give unnecessary energy to the moral struggle. Everything becomes so much easier once we reflect on our motivation instead. Why do we think, speak and act the way we do? Take jealousy, it’s “I don’t measure up!” Take anger, it’s “she doesn’t love me.” Take greed, it’s “I don’t have enough!”


Once you spot the sponsoring thought you take the wind out of the sails of the bad stuff. And once you discover the underlying motive to be love and compassion you multiply the effectiveness of the thought-feeling-energy. There is no moral struggle needed and everything unfolds exactly how it is supposed to be.


Take a moment from here on. Feel as the thoughts are running through your head. Take a breath and reflect on your motivation as you speak or listen to yourself as the words come out of your mouth or see yourself in action. What’s the sponsoring thought of this post? To help make the discrimination of good and evil easy.


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