Tuesday, August 6, 2024

Are you “ego-ing” again?

 The insight that the ego edges-God-out is clear enough. The mistake is only to characterize the ego as a noun. It’s a verb instead. We are “ego-ing” when the pain body of the past or the anticipations of the future lock our inner programs into a set of behaviors that become automatic. Remove these triggers, heal these pain bodies and understand the illusionary nature of these wants, and everything about us and the situation changes. Our ego is not fixed, it arises and falls moment by moment.


The here and now is our birthright. S (ilence) E (nergy) L (ove) F (low) is a frequency we are naturally connected to as long as we get the self out of the Way. So when we feel, sense, see our self-imposed programs interfering all we have to do is to ask what this situation is all about. What healing opportunity does it offer? What insight does it reveal about the workings of our conditioned mind? What inner conflicts do we need to face? The problem is not the problem, our attitude is.


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