Thursday, September 5, 2024

A higher power is in charge

 Your free will is your bondage.

Ramana Maharshi


The psychologist William James (1842-1910) went around the US and interviewed people who reported mind-blowing spiritual experiences and special talents in his book “The Varieties of Spiritual Experiences.” Some said that they saw “threads” emerging from people reaching into the sky. So much about having free will, if these visions are accurate, we are all puppets in a divine play.


The one claiming free will, the one looking for freedom, is illusionary. That’s the paradox at play. We can’t make the decision maker “better”, more moral, smarter, wiser. It’s mission impossible if that entity is merely imagined. Life as is calls the shots with our conscious participation. Witnessing consciousness, acting awareness, choice-less awareness, all these expressions point to the same thing—a higher power is in charge.

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