Thursday, September 12, 2024

Manifesting Awareness

 There is a current running through us. It’s as if this body, mind and world becomes one stream of energy. Is it witnessing consciousness? Yes, but there is no mental commentary. Neither it’s a disinterested party sitting in the movie theater watching the screen. It is more active. We become an acting awareness enabling creation. This state is not addictive. We do not mind when we slip back not the state of duality, the actor and the acted upon, the witness and the witnessed.


The question naturally arises, can we consciously raise our vibrations and become “the current”? Some of my friends claim they can. I can only tell when I am in it. On the other hand, we can notice when we are unconscious and the act of being conscious of the fact that we are unconscious lifts us out of it. Self-awareness is in our power, the “embodiment of awareness” may just be an act of Grace.


So what is it that we can actually do when it comes to learning, transcending the conditioned past and letting go of it? It’s the art of practicing mindfulness as beautifully expressed by Suzhen Liu:


When meditating, use observation as your guide. Observe any feelings that arise with ease, freedom, and openness.


If you can observe in this way, then inner guidance will always be with you. No matter where you go, the power of this observation can always provide you with guidance and clarity.


In meditation, it's not about eliminating thoughts or not allowing thoughts to arise, but about understanding that these thoughts come from our consciousness.


The root of suffering begins with consciousness and then leads to desires, losses, hurting others, or hurting oneself, and so on.


All these problems originate from consciousness that has not been clearly observed, which is to say, thoughts.


Therefore, the true essence of meditation is to use observation as your guide. Without this observation, all our efforts will be in vain.


This is the key point to put an end to suffering.

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