Saturday, September 14, 2024

Merging with the flow of life

 To me the biggest surprise was to discover that we never really rid ourselves of ego, we just redefine it. Something breaks open after awakening. We see the world with new eyes but any conscious attempt to advance along the spiritual quest is still self in action wrapped in spiritual clothes. Many would say, “Hey, isn’t it much better to pay our attention on love and harmony instead of narrow-minded worldly things?” Sure, to some extent, but as long as there is self-involvement, the world is designed to throw a wrench into the works.


Desires and aversions are us. We cannot consciously overcome or negate them in the name of spirituality. Our will is self in action. We cannot use willpower to choose love and humility, but we can discover them in the joy of living. It’s a catch 22. The harder we strive for “the desire to be free of desire,” the more frustrated we get. The answer lies in the ease and joy of living. A river was once thanked, “you give us water to drink and allow the crops to grow,” and the river answered, “you are welcome, but I never noticed; all I had in mind was merging with the ocean.”


There is a frequency we can dial into. An energy source that we have access to when we get the self out of the Way. Once connected, our unconscious speaks for itself, and our acting awareness sets the flow of life into motion with ease, love and serenity. Along the Dao there is no catch 22 or paradox. The intrinsic conflicts of self only appear when we step out of this frequency. We cannot do anything about “the desire to be free of desire,” but this desire becomes meaningless once we are embedded in the flow of the Dao. With serenity, love and contentment within, there is nothing to strive for.

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