Thursday, November 28, 2024

Awaken to “ego-ing”

 How can ego be a characteristic that we supposedly own? In the satori moment there is no ego to speak of, no thought, no pain body, no aspiration, just bliss. If ego is not present in the satori moment, does it come back once conditioned mind returns?


The person we identify with in unconscious day to day activities has a pain body and unfulfilled aspirations. That’s what amounts to the ego as an entity that we perceive. We can awaken to this pain body and the subconscious drives and let go of them with every insight into their presence.


The true spiritual break-through is realizing that this entity of a conditioned mind is illusionary. It can lift in a heartbeat. Realize the presence “ego-ing” as a verb and awaken to the here and now with the self missing in action. We can not analyze and heal an illusionary entity, but we can awaken to it and step out of its energy field.

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