Friday, November 29, 2024

The Power of Now has all the answers

 Our desires and aversions are us; we cannot disown them just as we cannot disown ourselves. What we can do is awaken to the fact that this entity— Christian—is just a bunch of memories, hormones, thoughts, feelings and trusted interaction patterns with his environment. We can awaken to a perspective—manifesting consciousness—that isn’t this or that. Truth of the matter is we all have this out-of-self perspective but for most of us the conditioned self identification returns sooner or later.


The Power of Now is the blissful moment when “manifesting consciousness” arises in the moment at hand. It’s hard to convince a scientist that in the here and now we manage to leave our conditioned mind behind, but there is something magical happening when life meets an open system, when body, mind and world become one. That’s when “manifesting consciousness” is at work and at that moment thoughts and feelings are out of play. Feelings are serene, content and loving and the brain is still and vibrant.


Focusing on the out-of-self perspective is projection. Being attentive in the here and now is the spiritual work we can do instead. If our aversions and desires drive the moment at hand, let’s be mindful. Maybe we connect with the state of being that looks right through the state of our conditioned mind. Maybe we dig into these aversions and attachments and the insight allows us to let go of what we believed we were all about. Maybe we stay unconscious this moment and are set up for the next invite to be “manifesting consciousness.”


The Power of Now has all the answers. Discover this wisdom while being unconscious, human and “manifesting consciousness.” God’s all-knowing vision is always at our disposal. It’s just that sometimes we need time to learn that the here and now is timeless. It’s just that sometimes it takes a little effort to realize that being is effortless.



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