Tuesday, January 7, 2025

Spirituality—taking the final step

 The surprise of many when the 11:11 phenomenon shows up, expressed in whatever synchronicity or serendipity form. All it really says is there is a web of Oneness, what “you” knew as an entity is a mental illusion.


There is a little work ahead to let go of eons of conditioning. Sexual desires were implanted in us. Professional and cultural goals were given to us by our parents and ancestors: “earn a living my son,” “marry well,” are a few of them.


It’s not easy to get to the realization “you” are not your body, but when death knocks on our doors we need to have graduated. Passion may help us with our professional and financial needs, but eventually we aren’t that either.


Letting go of biological, personal and cultural conditioning is nearly impossible, but that’s what we are up against if we truly want to commit to the life of Oneness. How can we get the self out of the Way.


S (erenity), E (nergy), L (ove), F (low) awaits. We see it in glimpses all the time until the day when the shift is (almost) complete. How to take that final step? Only “you” can answer this question and please share the secret sauce with us.


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